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Message from Rick Hardie, CEO 12/08/2010

Rick Hardie, CEOIn an effort to reduce Medicaid expenses and help balance the state budget, effective January 1, 2011, the State of Louisiana is mandating that all providers implement the new “resource allocation” model for providing services to our consumers. This, in effect, will require providers to institute “shared supports” in place of one-on-one services to our consumers. We are working across the Agency on how to effectively implement these services. Unfortunately, the result will be further reductions in revenue to Gulf Coast, which will require additional cost cutting measures across the Agency to reduce expenses. The Agency’s management team is meeting regularly to determine how best to meet this budget shortfall, with the least amount of impact to our employees and our consumers. Within the next few weeks, our plans will be finalized, and, at that time, I will have more information to share with you.

Due to the downturn in the economy, this has been a very difficult and challenging time for all of our employees and consumers, as well as all Americans across this great country struggling to make ends meet. I do believe, however, in spite of these new changes, we can continue to take great pride in our work and to provide quality services to all of our consumers. Our success in making this new “resource allocation” model work is dependent upon all of us working together. I know together we can meet these challenges.

As the state provides more information or as changes occur, I will keep you informed as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued loyalty and support to Gulf Coast and for your dedicated service to our consumers
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