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Gulf Coast Social Services: Personal Care. Quality Outcomes.
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Message from Rick Hardie, CEO 01/19/2011

Rick Hardie, CEOIt is my pleasure to announce that the Board of Directors of Gulf Coast Teaching Family Services, Inc. has adopted a new �doing business as� name for our Agency. We will now identify ourselves as Gulf Coast Social Services. However, our legal corporate name will continue to remain Gulf Coast Teaching Family Services, Inc.

The name, Gulf Coast Social Services, was selected because it more accurately represents the wide array of programs and services we offer throughout various communities in Louisiana. Since we first began providing services to people with disabilities in 1983, the Agency has undergone many changes in program growth and diversification of services. In addition to the change in our name, the Board of Directors, with the involvement of key staff, updated our mission and vision statements to better reflect who we are today, what we do, and the values we hold dear.

Our new mission statement is �to empower people with mental, physical, behavioral, and other challenges to improve the quality of their lives and to live as independently as possible in the community.�

Our new motto is �Personal Care. Quality Outcomes.�

Thank you for working with Gulf Coast Social Services over the years, and we look forward to our continued relationship.

Personal Care. Quality Outcomes.
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