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GCTFS consumers fighting the cuts! 04/24/2009

The State of Louisiana is proposing cuts to the rates that providers receive to provide in home services by an additional 7.16% in July 2009 (a 3.5% cut had already been issued in February). This level of cut is not sustainable by many providers and most likely will cause the elimination of some programs.

The lead story in this morning's edition of The Advocate was about the public testimony on the proposed State Operating Budget that took place yesterday. Carolyn Butler, along with several other members of GCTFS’ client advocacy group called Barrier Breakers, attended the hearing in opposition of the proposed rate cuts.

Part of GCTFS' mission is to provide services to citizens with special needs and to enable them to live independently in the community. We are very proud to see our consumers being involved and fighting for a cause that is important to them.

You can view the picture and read the article on the Advocate's website.

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